Oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Active ingredient: Oxandrolone
Manufacturer: British Dragon
Amount: 1 X 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)
Drug Class: Oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Pharmaceutical Name: Oxanabol Tablets
Chemical Name: Oxandrolone
Chemical Abstract Name: 17β-hydroxy-17α-methyl-2-oxa-5α-androstan-3-one
Molecular Structure: C19H30O3
Molecular Weight: 306.44 g/mol
Elimination Half Life: 8-12 Hours
Dosage: Men 20-50 mg/day; Women 5-15 mg/day
CAS Number: 53-39-4
Presentation: Oxanabol Tablets for sale - 1 x 50 x 10 mg
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Country: Thailand
Acne: Only at high dosages
Water retention: Rare
High blood pressure: Rare
Hepatotoxicity: Yes (17-AA Steroid)
Aromatization: No
DHT Conversion: Low
HPTA suppression: Yes, it depends on dosage and cycle length
Androgenic index: 24
Anabolic index: 322-630
Estrogenic activity: No
Progestogenic activity: No data
Product Description: Oxandrolone was first produced in 1964 at Searle. It is an extremely mild anabolic steroid that can be used even as a means of stimulating mass growth in children. Standard concern that the steroids stop growth, in this case, is useless, because we know that it is because of estrogen women inferior to men in physical growth and Oxandrolone does not aromatize, respectively, is not converted to estrogen. Since women are very well tolerating this drug, it once even been recommended for the treatment of osteoporosis. But soon the atmosphere surrounding steroids deepened and its production was discontinued until recently, BTG group bought the rights to manufacture it at Searle and began its release as a cure for AIDS.
Oxandrolone - a mild anabolic with low androgenic activity. Since it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, you might think that it is quite androgenic, but it is 5a reduced, so it is not very androgenic. Because of this, in the body, it is not converted to DHT, or less active than testosterone, although its distribution in the body tissues is very equilibrated, as well as to Primobolan and Stanazolol. This steroid is known for having good strength and quality raises of the muscle mass, it is used mostly already before the competition, when is undesirable the accumulation of water in the muscles. Standard dosage of Oxandrolone - 15-25mg per day, it can also be taken together with Primobolan and Winstrol for even more quality, or Halotest and Trenbolone for a large muscle mass. Some athletes use Oxandrolone in stack with Testosterone Esters or Methandrostenolone to gain more power, due to the androgenic component.
For women who are afraid of masculinizing effects of other steroids, this oral steroid, at 5 mg per day, it gives them very good results and without side effects. Impatient person can add to it Winstrol + Primobolan or Nandrolone Phenylpropionate.
When using it solo, you can run it without post cycle therapy. But of course, in high dosages, because of reverse estrogen connection, may appear the effect of decreased libido.
Oxanabol - with 17 alpha alkylated steroid but unlike the others, it is not completely split, the urine comes out to about one third of the intact material.
Therefore, its relatively harm to the liver, much lower than that of Methyltestosterone, Norethandrolone, Halotest or Methandriol. The studies for Oxandrolone has shown a 72% smaller detention sulfobromftaleina (a marker of toxicity to the liver) than Halotest, at the same dose of 20 mg.
In fact, athletes who use Oxandrolone, very rarely complain of liver problems from its application.
Oxandrolone concentration in the blood after 10 hours from administration is stable enough, but 18 hours after receiving its concentration is reduced by 73%.
Apparently this is due to the acceleration of Oxandrolone's metabolism in the blood in this 8 hour window. Also, the drug, by frequent administration may reduce the levels of good cholesterol and increase the levels of bad one.
Commercial Names: Oxanodex, Bonavar, Oxandrin, Oxandrolonus, Oxan, Oxandrolon, Anavar, Oxandroxyl, Oxandrins, Var, Oxanabol, Anvar, Oxandrol.
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